Upcycled jewelry
Sustainable fashion pieces
work in progress
work in progress 〰️
(2022 - )
I fell in love with these materials. They are pieces of plastic, squares, created by processing leftovers after glasses production. The materials are cut with a laser, sanded, and polished into upcycled - new pieces of jewelry.
Each one is processed by hand, so don't expect perfection, feel the uniqueness and human work of someone who is not a jeweler, but fell in love with these materials and would love to share the passion with you.
The entire collection tries to keep the shapes as minimal as possible so that the material stands out.
Original - there are no two identical pieces
Handmade, therefore almost perfect : )
Are you allergic to metals? Do not hesitate to write to me, I can create jewelry without using them.
These first finished pieces of upcycled jewelry pendants have a long way in front of them. They are custom-made and will be given by Mrs. L to very special ladies. I hope they will like them as I do. Thank you for this order and trust.
Marble Purple Brown Grey
I love this kind of material. Every single one is unique. Polished by hand - pieces created from leftover material after making glasses. I am very happy with them, they are beautiful!
Fresh & Sky
Pendant made from upcycled plastic from glasses production. Polished - blue one to glossy, orange to matt. With a detail of a glass bead.
Neon Orange, Matt
The first of a series of minimalist neck pendants, which I created by upcycling leftovers after glasses production. Laser cut, sanded, and polished to a matte surface. Sanding is done manually, so don’t expect exact lines, but rather clear signs of human handwork.
The neon orange matte neck pendant is finished. It can be combined with a dark ball chain or a black or purple leather strip.
Minimalistic design for everyday and occasional wear.
Geometry / Balance
This necklace stood out from the very first attempts to polish plastic pieces. I still not 100% trust the joints created by gluing, but those made by drilling the fastening eyes are very stable.
The pendant is composed of soft-colored surfaces.
It already has a new owner—The woman who came up with the idea that she would like to see something geometric from me. YES!!
How its made
Cut with a laser, polish, it will be quick and easy! Oh how wrong I was : ). It takes much longer than I thought…
First of all laser cutter cut out all pieces very roughly.
Grinding & polishing
To get a preferred surface shine/matt.
It took a while : )
Even though the result is very simple, learning how to process this material was time-consuming. Free time is always limited, but I saw working on this project and endless failures during tests of tools and processing procedures as more of a challenge and fun. I thank all of you for your advice, recommendations, experience, and the rental of various tools with which I tested the processing of these pieces of plastic.
This object is handmade. I hope it will make you happy every time you wear it.
If you want it to serve you as long as possible, I recommend following the principles:
Do not expose to long-term direct sunlight, temperatures close to freezing point, and excessive heat.
Avoid contact with oils, creams, perfumes, hairspray, or solvents such as nail polish remover.
Do not expose metal parts to fluids.
Protect from scratches.
If something happens to your jewelry, don't hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to fix it.
Tento objekt bol ručne vyrobený. Dúfam že vám bude robiť radosť pri každom nosení.
Ak chcete aby vám slúžil čo možno najdlhšie, odporáčam dodržiavať zásady:
Nevystavovať dlhodobému priamemu slnku, či teplotám blízkym bodu mrazu a nadmerným horúčavám.
Zabrániť styku s olejmi, krémami, parfémami, lakmi na vlasy, či rozpúšťadlami ako odlakovač na nechty.
Nevystavovať kovové dielce tekutinám.
Chrániť pred poškriabaním.
Ak sa s vašim šperkom niečo stane, neváhajte sa mi ozvať. Urobím svoje maximum ho opraviť.
Where to buy
“Are you allergic to metals? Do not hesitate to write to me, I can create jewelry without using them.”